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Spring Cleaning is For Indoor Air, as Much as For Your Home

For centuries, people have designated the spring season, March through May, as the time to clean their homes for the rest of the year. That’s right- we said centuries! In fact, the origins of spring cleaning can be traced all the way back to the Persian empire.

In many ancient cultures, spring cleaning coincides with important holidays that take place during the spring months. In western culture, however, spring cleaning came about as a way to get rid of all the damp mess left behind during winter, which can affect your air quality.

Get All Your Spring Cleaning Done at The Same Time

cleanairIt is said that historically, March was considered the perfect time to dust in your home, because it was warm enough to open the windows and allow the dust to b blown out by the breeze, but cool enough that bugs would not be a problem.

Blowing away dust isn’t the only reason to open the windows after months of having them closed, though. It also releases some of the stale, stagnant air that has been trapped in the house all winter.

So you see, even several centuries ago people understood the importance of including air in their spring cleaning checklist, as well as surfaces.

How’s Your Indoor Air Quality?

qualityIt’s always a good idea to keep tabs on your air quality throughout the year. That way, you’ll be aware if it decreases due to higher pollen count, excessive dust, or even a deadly gas leak.

If you’re not sure what kind of shape your indoor air is in, you can purchase an air quality monitor for under $300 that will help you figure it out. These devices will also help you monitor your indoor air quality throughout the year.

Get Your HVAC System a Spring Tune-Up, While You’re at It!

tuneupAnd while we're on the subject of spring cleaning, and improving our indoor air quality, it wouldn't hurt to schedule an appointment for a routine HVAC inspection and tune-up.

At least twice a year, you should have a maintenance call for your HVAC system, to ensure that it is working properly and that it is able to maintain your new and improved air quality.

While these visits can take place at any given time of the year (every six months is recommended), it might be worth it for you to get it over with now, while your mind is already on cleaning up.

Another easy way you can improve your indoor air quality is by keeping your home as free from dust as you can, year round. Don’t just leave your duster behind after spring cleaning is over! Remember to dust all furniture (even, or especially, the hard to reach parts) as well as your ceiling fans.

An accumulation of dust, especially in high places, like the tops of furniture and fans, can fall to the ground, compromising your indoor air quality on the way down. Keep in mind that if you should need more in-depth work on your HVAC system, you should call a professional, like the ones at Laney’s Inc at (701) 237-0543 for assistance.