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Don’t Panic! Check These Things Before Scheduling Heater Repair

When dealing with a heating problem, as fall temperatures are beginning to drop, it can be easy to fall into a panic. Heat, after all, is essential as the days get shorter and temperatures get colder. However, there’s no reason to slide into despair. Not all heating issues are complex, and there are things homeowners can check before calling for heating repair. Here are a few things homeowners can do to troubleshoot a troublesome heater at home before calling for professional repairs.

Examine the Thermostat

thermostatA heating problem doesn’t always automatically mean a problem with the heater itself. Other components of a home’s heating system can also cause heating problems, and one of the first things to examine is the thermostat. The thermostat is the brain that controls the HVAC system. If it is not working or isn’t set correctly, then a home won’t heat properly as well. 

The first thing to check is if the switch on the thermostat has been moved from the cool setting to the heat setting. This seems like a pretty simple fix, but it’s easy to overlook. Another possible problem? The thermostat may not be functioning correctly because its batteries are running low, in which case, a simple battery replacement may get it back in good working order. 

Check the Air Filter

air filterIt may not seem like it would affect heating, but a dirty air filter can cause the heater to function at decreased efficiency, reduce airflow, and even cause overheating and shutdowns that affect heating. This is because dirty filters are clogged up with dirt, dust, and other particulate matter and can block the air from the heater from flowing freely. 

A simple air filter replacement may do the trick to get the heater working properly again and the home comfortable. To prevent the same problem from happening and to keep the system working efficiently, HVAC technicians recommend changing air filters regularly, usually at least four times a year.

Inspect the Power Sources

The problem with the heating system could also have something to do with the power switch on the heater, which could have been turned off by mistake, so that should be checked. In some instances, the power source to the heater may have been cut off if the circuit breaker was tripped or a fuse was blown. It’s a good idea to check the electrical panel and see if that’s the case. 

If none of the above easy fixes worked to resolve the issue with the heating system, then it’s time to call for professional heater repair. A heating technician can inspect the system to find the cause of the problem and determine the best solution to restore heat and comfort to the home. 

About Laney’s Inc.

Laney’s Inc. is a locally-owned electrical, plumbing, and HVAC company serving Fargo and the surrounding areas. They offer competitive pricing, honest advice, and fast response times. Call them today for heating system repair in Fargo, ND

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